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          芝加哥音樂學(xué)院成立于 1867 年,距芝加哥市成立不到四十年。它為音樂和音樂教育提供了一百多年不間斷的服務(wù),并在中西部文化生活的發(fā)展中發(fā)揮了重要作用。

          Chicago Musical College was founded in 1867, less than four decades after the city of Chicago was incorporated. It has given over a hundred years of uninterrupted service to music and music education and has played an important role in the development of the cultural life of the Midwest.



          Dushkin Award





          杜希金獎設(shè)立于1985年,是為了紀(jì)念芝加哥音樂學(xué)院的兩位創(chuàng)始人——桃樂茜(Dorothy)和大衛(wèi)·杜希金(David Dushkin)。該獎項享有很高的國際聲譽(yù),旨在表彰那些世界上倍受尊敬、成就卓越、為藝術(shù)和教育做出突出貢獻(xiàn)的音樂藝術(shù)家和教育家。小提琴大師斯特恩、指揮大師巴倫博伊姆、艾森巴赫、穆蒂、大提琴家馬友友等世界知名音樂大師都曾獲得過該獎項。

          在芝加哥音樂學(xué)院83周年慶典上,郎朗獲得學(xué)院頒發(fā)的杜希金大獎(Dushkin Award)。他也是獲得該獎的首位中國籍藝術(shù)家。




          1865 年,在建立音樂學(xué)院的最初努力之后,芝加哥音樂學(xué)院成立,由Florenz Ziegfeld,Sr 擔(dān)任主任。 (Ziegfeld Sr.是更為人所知的一位成功并且有開拓性的百老匯理Florenz,Jr 的父親。)

          兩年后,在 1867 年,Ziegfeld 建立了自己的芝加哥音樂學(xué)院,這是美國第四所音樂學(xué)院。 1871 年,音樂學(xué)院搬到了一座新建筑,幾周后被大芝加哥火災(zāi)摧毀;盡管發(fā)生了大火,學(xué)院還是在年底前重新開始運(yùn)作。

          In 1865, after initial efforts to establish a college of music, the Chicago Conservatorium of Music was founded,with Florenz Ziegfeld,Sr.as its director.

          (Ziegfeld Sr. was the father of Florenz, Jr., who is better known as a successful and trail-blazing Broadway impresario.)

          Two years later, in 1867, Ziegfeld established his own Chicago Academy of Music,the fourth conservatory in America.In1871,the conservatory moved to a new building which was destroyed only a few weeks later by the Great Chicago Fire;despite the conflagration,the College was again up and running by theend of the year.


          1872 年,學(xué)校更名為芝加哥音樂學(xué)院;那一年有 900 多名學(xué)生入學(xué)。一所師范教師學(xué)院被添加到學(xué)校的課程中。學(xué)費(fèi)每課平均花費(fèi) 1 美元。四年后,伊利諾伊州認(rèn)可該學(xué)院為高等教育學(xué)位授予機(jī)構(gòu)。開設(shè)了一個籌備處,在整個城市設(shè)立了分支機(jī)構(gòu)。

          Rudolph Ganz 于 1900 年加入 CMC 做教職員工,除了在 20 世紀(jì) 20 年代短暫停頓之外,直到他于 1972 年去世之前都一直與學(xué)校有關(guān)。1917 年,CMC 提供音樂碩士學(xué)位,七年后學(xué)院成為全國音樂學(xué)院協(xié)會特許會員。

          In 1872, the school changed its name to Chicago Musical College; over 900 students were enrolled in that year.A Normal TeachersInstitute was added to the schools offerings.Tuition in those far-off days cost anaverage of one dollar per lesson.Four years later the State of Illinois accredited the College as adegree granting institution of higher learning. A Preparatory Division was opened which established branches throughout the city.

          Rudolph Ganz joined CMCs faculty in 1900 and , except for a brief hiatus in the 1920s, remained associated with the school until his death in 1972. In 1917, CMC offered a Master of Music Degree, and seven years later the School became a charter member of the National Association of Schools of Music.


          到 1925 年,學(xué)院搬進(jìn)了位于E. Van Buren街64號的 11 層樓。那一年,教師名單上出現(xiàn)了一百二十五個名字,學(xué)院為學(xué)生開了三個宿舍樓。 1936 年,CMC被認(rèn)可為North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools 的正式會員,這是中西部唯一一所享有此類地位的獨(dú)立音樂學(xué)院。到 1947 年,學(xué)院提供藝術(shù)和音樂教育博士學(xué)位。

          By 1925, the College moved into its own eleven-story building at 64 E. Van Buren Street. One hundred and twenty-five names appeared on the faculty roster for that year, and the School opened three dormitory floors for students.In 1936, CMC was admitted as a full member to the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, the only independent music college in the Midwest to enjoy such status. By 1947 the College was offering Doctorates in Fine Arts and Music Education.


          1954 年, CMC 與成立于 1945 年的羅斯福大學(xué)音樂學(xué)院合并?!爸ゼ痈缫魳穼W(xué)院”這個名字被保留給了由兩所學(xué)校聯(lián)合創(chuàng)建的新學(xué)院。所有的設(shè)施都搬到了有國家標(biāo)志性建筑標(biāo)志 Auditorium building 的芝加哥南密歇根大道 430 號,除了Rudolph Ganz 紀(jì)念演奏廳外,該建筑還擁有世界上最好的禮堂之一。

          In 1954, CMC merged with Roosevelt Universitys School of Music which was founded in 1945. The name \"Chicago Musical College\" was retained for the new college which was created by the union of the two schools. All operations moved to join the University in the now national landmark Auditorium Building at 430 South Michigan Avenue in Chicagos Loop. The building houses one of the finest

          auditoriums in the world, in addition to the Rudolph Ganz Memorial Recital Hall.


          1997 年秋天,羅斯福成立了一所表演藝術(shù)學(xué)院加入到芝加哥音樂學(xué)院,并加入了戲劇課程。 2000 年,在新任院長 James Gandre 的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,名字改為芝加哥表演藝術(shù)學(xué)院。 Rudy Marcozzi 在 2008-2009 學(xué)年期間擔(dān)任臨時院長,芝加哥交響樂團(tuán)前團(tuán)長 Henry Fogel 2009 年秋季擔(dān)任 CCPA 院長。Linda Berna 是音樂學(xué)院的副院長,Sean Kelley 是劇院音樂學(xué)院的副院長。

          In the fall of 1997 Roosevelt established a College of Performing Arts which joined Chicago Musical College and the Theater Program under one

          administrative unit. In2000, under the leadership of new dean James Gandre,the name was changed to Chicago College of Performing Arts. Rudy Marcozzi

          acted as Interim Dean during the 2008-2009 school year until Henry Fogel,the former President of the Chicago Symphony, assumed the post of Dean of

          CCPA in the Fall of 2009. Linda Berna is the Associate Dean/Director of the Music Conservatory, and Sean Kelley is the Associate Dean/Director of the Theatre Conservatory




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