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          "Good actors are often shy; they need to hide behind characters," said 郝蕾. In her life, she has remained low-key, rarely revealing her true self in the public eye. This time, as the head of the department, she has no role to shield her; everything she teaches and communicates comes from her own experiences. Its a new identity she must adapt to.

          The afternoon after the opening ceremony, 郝蕾 taught her first acting class at Wenyang. Shes not a product of traditional drama schools and has been away from the educational scene for a while. Returning to the classroom, she shared her journey of becoming an actress, rekindling many experiences from the early days of her dream. Her storytelling, filled with anecdotes, often sparked laughter and created an unspoken connection with her students.

          "On my first day of acting class, the teacher asked me to play a balloon," 郝蕾 said, raising her hands above her head to draw a circle. "I stood with my legs straight, imagining I was a balloon with a stick. It was a bizarre exercise, and, in fact, it didnt help with my subsequent performances at all."


          She wanted to introduce something different to the traditional methods of acting education, combining some of her own approaches and insights developed over the years with the North American teaching system adopted by Wenyang. She emphasized that modern acting education has moved far beyond the surface-level concept of "liberating ones nature," and there is a continuous global exploration of what constitutes good acting and how to teach it.

          Every student applying for the acting department is asked why they want to study acting. 郝蕾, with many years of experience, also occasionally questions herself, "The initial motivation changes. Sometimes, I think it was simply because of vanity. Sometimes, I experience the joy of solitude that only I can understand. I feel that I enjoy and its worth it." She posed this question to her students, and most of the responses revolved around curiosity; young people want to experience different lives. However, for her, the answer is quite the opposite. "I want to understand myself deeply through various characters," 郝蕾 explained. "I want to see what kind of person I truly am, which is the most challenging part. To experience someone elses life is important, but the more crucial question is who is experiencing it, why, and how. This must be based on a profound self-understanding, or else we cannot control it."

          This question is something 郝蕾 observed when she served as a judge on acting reality shows. She believes its a common issue, not only among young actors but also experienced ones. "If you dont understand yourself, how can you play other characters effectively and shape different personalities? Understanding yourself is an extremely challenging process. Many times, acting is a discipline exploring humanity. Its not just about mimicking; its a deeper exploration, not just surface-level skills. I hope that my year at this school, working with other teachers and our students, can help find methods to solve this problem."


          In the early years of her career, 郝蕾 faced confusion. She excelled as a student in school, with excellent grades in her early years, thinking that this would make her a great actress. However, as she moved into the senior years, she could memorize six pages of script at once but lost her passion for acting. She felt like she was just completing assignments given by her teachers, and there was no excitement in her. The teaching at the drama school followed a certain paradigm, but when she joined film crews, she encountered actors from Hong Kong and Taiwan who seemed to live their roles. This was a terrible experience for her. She often needed external validation to find her confidence, and she spent a long time feeling lost.

          It was during her time on the set of "Fat Cats Happy Life" that Joe Cheung told her she could act like real life. Afterward, through extensive film analysis, 郝蕾 developed her own aesthetic standards.

          "Many people ask me what makes a good performance. In fact, ordinary viewers cant judge instantly whether its good or not. The simplest criterion is sincerity and moving the audience. If the audience can relate, the actor has done their job well. But acting is a complex art. It involves the psychology of characters and many techniques, such as vocalization, physical expression, and how actors perceive the world, and how they express themselves. Most of the time, I evaluate a performance based on how a character reacts and chooses in a given situation. Some say theres no such thing as a good or bad performance; I disagree. I think theres a clear distinction. Most of the time, actors choose the most conventional methods, which, for me, constitutes bad acting. If there are only predictable, formulaic reactions, why do we need different actors to perform?"

          During one interesting class segment, 郝蕾 wanted students to experience what "acting" truly meant, and she invited two students to the stage to sit where she and the executive department head, Lawrence, were discussing and have them perform a conversation.

          The "Department Head" asked "郝蕾," "In a bad performance, should we blame the screenwriter, director, or the actors?" The student playing "郝蕾" on stage responded, "I dont know how to answer that question because Ive never acted in a bad performance." "Not even one? Are you saying 郝蕾 never acts

          in a bad performance?" insisted the student playing the department head.

          This is the impression 郝蕾 has left on the audience. She has consistently collaborated with great directors and worked on excellent projects, always elevating her performances through her skills and dedication.

          When it comes to acting, students who are just beginning to explore the field have many questions, including technical aspects, self-discovery, and industry-related challenges. In her responses, you can see how 郝蕾 has evolved into the artist she is today.

          Students who have already had some experience in film complain about the unprofessionalism of the sets, poor scripts, and a lack of respect for actors by the crew. 郝蕾 responds, "Every actor starts from very small roles. Its not just about encountering unprofessional sets, its more about facing unprofessionalism when you start from scratch. So, how do you digest these experiences and grow from small roles to big actors? I cant teach you specific things, but I can offer one piece of advice: no matter how bad the play is, it shouldnt reflect poorly on me. Ive always demanded that from myself."

          Some students ask how to handle characters with conflicting values or those they cant relate to. 郝蕾 advises, "In fact, every character I play is different from myself, but each character is my friend. I imagine a real-life person and consider how to understand them if I must befriend them. As long as the character is written to be authentic, you can find a way to understand through your own analysis and thinking. In life, its important to have a broader perspective, learn to accept and understand various kinds of people."

          When 郝蕾 emphasizes the importance of analyzing characters and living within certain contexts, students express their concerns about rehearsing avant-garde theater productions, where they need to portray more "conceptual" characters, and classic plays like "Waiting for Godot" or "The Bald Soprano" are hard to come by. 郝蕾s answer is simple, "Read more, improve your knowledge, and describing concepts in words doesnt hold much meaning."

          Of course, formal education at the school covers the basics and technical aspects, even though 郝蕾 doesnt often emphasize the technical side, and she once felt unhappy when director Lou Ye praised her for her "excellent technique." Nevertheless, she believes that strong foundational skills are essential for a good actor. "When I worked with actors like He Bing, he compared acting to welding. As a welder, you first need the technical skills, and the finesse of your welds comes later. So, fundamental skills like standard Mandarin, delivering lines, and emotional experience are always the actors most basic abilities. But helping each student discover their individuality and personal growth in acting is the spiritual aspect of acting. The artistic industry is not a production line, especially in acting. Teachers need to make more observations and research."

          As for her role as the head of the department, 郝蕾 admits she doesnt yet know what to expect. "We will create a dream together using our life experiences, even if we dont know what kind of dream it will be. After this year, we might become colleagues or partners. Were about to embark on a journey to create dreams that may be good, bad, exciting, or even terrible, but the unknown is what makes it interesting," she said during the opening ceremony to her first class of students.




















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