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          If you plan to apply for a study permit in Canada, you will need a letter of acceptance to a program offered by a designated post-secondary institution.



          About a designated post-secondary institution 關(guān)于政府認(rèn)證的高等院校

          The designation confirms that a post-secondary program of study:

          meets Albertas high standards of program qualitymeets the Government of Canada criteria for study permitsis eligible to enroll international students



          符合艾伯塔省的高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)項目質(zhì)量符合加拿大政府的學(xué)習(xí)許可證標(biāo)準(zhǔn)有資格招收國際學(xué)生Ambrose University 安布羅斯大學(xué) DLI# O18960756062

          As one of Canadas four innovative universities dedicated to art, craft and design, weire proud to play an essential role in our countrys visual culture. AUArts graduates have gained significant national and international reputations as artists, designers and creative leaders.


          Our talented community of emerging creatives learns from the best - experts who are amnong the countrys most acclaimed practicing artists and academics, across a diverse range of degree programs and disciplines. Formerly Alberta College Art + Design (ACAD), AUArts is a place where students can continue their education, earn an undergraduate degree or achieve their MFA.

          我們才華橫溢的新興創(chuàng)意社區(qū)向最優(yōu)秀的專家學(xué)習(xí)--這些專家都是全國最知名的藝術(shù)家和學(xué)者,提供各種學(xué)位課程和學(xué)科。AUArts 的前身是艾伯塔藝術(shù)與設(shè)計學(xué)院(ACAD),學(xué)生可以在這里繼續(xù)深造,獲得本科學(xué)位或藝術(shù)碩士學(xué)位。

          AUArts is located in Calgary, Alberta. Close to stunning mountain parks and full of arts and culture, Calgary is a safe, sunny city with a small-town heart. As Calgarys economy becomes increasingly diverse, the potential for finding meaningful employment and a market for work is high for both students and graduates.

          AUArts 位于艾伯塔省卡爾加里市??柤永锱徝匀说纳降毓珗@,充滿藝術(shù)和文化氣息,是一座安全、陽光明媚的小城鎮(zhèn)。隨著卡爾加里經(jīng)濟(jì)的日益多元化,學(xué)生和畢業(yè)生都有很大的潛力找到有意義的工作和就業(yè)市場。

          The universitys origins date back to the founding of the Provincial Institute of Technology and Art (PITA) in 1916. Day classes began with evening and Saturday classes starting in 1926, with Lars Haukaness appointed as the first head of the art department.[5] In 1960, PITA was renamed the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), and the art department became the Alberta College of Art (ACA).

          該大學(xué)的起源可追溯到 1916 年成立的省技術(shù)與藝術(shù)學(xué)院(PITA)。1926 年,拉爾斯-豪卡尼斯(Lars Haukaness)被任命為藝術(shù)系的第一任系主任。[5] 1960 年,PITA 更名為南艾伯塔理工學(xué)院(SAIT),藝術(shù)系也更名為艾伯塔藝術(shù)學(xué)院(ACA)。

          In 1973, after eight years of planning and construction, the Alberta College of Art moved into a brand new purpose-built building designed by architectural firm Cohos, Delesalle and Evamy, on the edge of Calgarys North Hill, next to the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium.

          1973 年,經(jīng)過八年的規(guī)劃和建設(shè),艾伯塔藝術(shù)學(xué)院搬進(jìn)了由建筑公司 Cohos、Delesalle 和 Evamy 設(shè)計的全新專用建筑,該建筑位于卡爾加里北山邊緣,緊鄰南艾伯塔 Jubilee 禮堂。

          The Alberta College of Art became a separate institution from SAIT in 1985, and in 1995 amended its name to become the Alberta College of Art and Design. On February 1, 2019, ACAD officially became the Alberta University of the Arts.

          1985 年,艾伯塔藝術(shù)學(xué)院從 SAIT 獨立出來,并于 1995 年更名為艾伯塔藝術(shù)與設(shè)計學(xué)院。2019 年 2 月 1 日,ACAD 正式成為艾伯塔藝術(shù)大學(xué)。

          AUArts degree programs are housed within four administrative schools:

          The School of Craft + Emerging Media (ceramics, fibre, glass, jewellery + metals, and media arts)The School of Visual Arts (drawing, painting, print media, photography, and sculpture)The School of Communication DesignThe School of Critical + Creative Studies (non-studio academic courses)

          AUArts 的學(xué)位課程由四個行政學(xué)院負(fù)責(zé):


          (文章) 加拿大艾伯塔省教育部 Alberta Education

          (運營) 加拿大艾伯塔省國際教育服務(wù) Alberta International Education Services of Canada, AIESC

          (授權(quán)) AIESC Institute

          (編輯) Nathan, AIESC

          (校正) Mable, AIESC


          微信溝通 一鍵撥打 聯(lián)系客服
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