


          更新時間:2024-05-07 09:44:56       發(fā)布時間:8小時前        作者:MVP學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)       熱度: 0       





          ○ BA (Hons) Architecture 建筑專業(yè)○ BA (Hons) Ceramic Design 陶瓷設(shè)計○ BA (Hons) Culture, Criticism and Curation 策展○ BA (Hons) Fashion Communication: Fashion Communication and Promotion 時尚傳媒與推廣○ BA (Hons) Fashion Communication: Fashion History and Theory 時尚史論○ BA (Hons) Fashion Communication: Fashion Journalism 時尚記者○ BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Design Menswear 男裝○ BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Design with Knitwear 針織○ BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Design with Marketing 時尚營銷○ BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Design Womenswear 女裝○ BA (Hons) Fashion: Fashion Print 印花○ BA (Hons) Fine Art 純藝術(shù)○ BA (Hons) Graphic Communication Design 平面設(shè)計○ BA (Hons) Jewellery Design 珠寶設(shè)計○ BA (Hons) Performance: Design and Practice 設(shè)計表演與實踐○ BA (Hons) Product and Industrial Design 產(chǎn)品與工業(yè)設(shè)計○ BA (Hons) Textile Design 紡織品設(shè)計


          Postgraduate courses



          ○ Graduate Diploma Fashion 研究生文憑課程○ M ARCH: Architecture 建筑專業(yè)○ MA Applied Imagination 應(yīng)用想象力○ MA Art and Science 藝術(shù)與科學(xué)○ MA Arts and Cultural Enterprise 藝術(shù)與文化企業(yè)○ MA Biodesign 生物設(shè)計○ MA Character Animation 角色動畫○ MA Cities 城市設(shè)計○ MA Contemporary Photography; Practices and Philosophies 當(dāng)代攝影○ MA Culture, Criticism and Curation 策展○ MA Design (Ceramics, Furniture, Jewellery) 陶瓷家具珠寶設(shè)計○ MA Fashion (Knitwear for Fashion) 針織○ MA Fashion (Menswear Fashion) 男裝○ MA Fashion (Textiles for Fashion) 紡織品設(shè)計○ MA Fashion (Womenswear Fashion) 女裝○ MA Fashion Communication: Fashion Critical Studies○ MA Fashion Communication: Fashion Image ○ MA Fashion Communication: Fashion Journalism○ MA Fine Art 純藝術(shù)○ MA Fine Art: Digital 數(shù)字藝術(shù)○ MA Graphic Communication Design 平面設(shè)計○ MA Industrial Design 工業(yè)設(shè)計○ MA Innovation Management 創(chuàng)新管理○ MA Intercultural Practices 跨文化實踐○ MA Material Futures 材料○ MA Narrative Environments 敘事環(huán)境○ MA Performance: Design and Practice 表演設(shè)計○ MA Performance: Screen ○ MA Performance: Society○ MA Performance: Writing○ MA Regenerative Design 再生設(shè)計○ Master of Business Administration (MBA)○ MRes Art: Exhibition Studies 展覽設(shè)計○ MRes Art: Moving Image 動態(tài)圖像○ MRes Art: Theory and Philosophy 藝術(shù):理論與哲學(xué)○ PG Cert Writing for Change





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