


          更新時間:2024-04-17 10:49:03       發(fā)布時間:7小時前        作者:MVP學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)       熱度: 0       




          佛羅里達大學(xué)(University of Florida,簡稱UF,也稱作UFL)是位于美國佛羅里達州蓋恩斯維爾(Gainesville)的一所著名的公立研究型大學(xué)。佛羅里達大學(xué)是北美頂jian大學(xué)聯(lián)盟美國大學(xué)協(xié)會(AAU)成員之一,建??勺匪葜?853年。


          佛羅里達大學(xué)被譽為公立常春藤,在《美國新聞與世界報道(US NEWS)》2018全美綜合排名中排第42位,位列全美公立大學(xué)第9位;2017年niche全美公立大學(xué)排名第12位,在《美國新聞與世界報道(US NEWS)》2016世界大學(xué)排名中排世界第47位。在2016-17年泰晤士高等大學(xué)排名中世界排名第134名。在美國本土國家大學(xué)排名體系中位列全球第50名。世界大學(xué)學(xué)術(shù)表現(xiàn)排行(URAP)位列世界45名。






          Writing Sample: A two-page non-dialogue scene about a person trying to kill a spider in his/her home. The scene should be considered the opening for a screenplay or theatrical work. Writing samples should be typed in 12-point Courier in standard play or screenplay format.


          Creative Submission: A creative sample of work demonstrating your ability and commitment to storytelling. Strong samples contain visual or written material that demonstrate your creativity, imaginative expression of thought, and the potential for visual storytelling. You are welcome to include a brief description that provides perspective on your submitted materials. The sample must be uploaded online by way of a link within an uploaded document to the application. No physical materials (faxed or mailed) will be considered. Choose no more than three (3) of the following:


          Film, video, animation, documentary or experimental work. Submissions must not exceed 15 minutes in length and can consist of reels, short films and/or clips from feature films. You must be part of the original creation of the work. Please be clear about your specific contributions for each project.


          Drawings, paintings, sculpture, costume or set design that illustrates your creative vision and style. Limited to 10 images total.


          Photography that explores your visual storytelling through up to 10 images.


          A writing sample composed of one of the following: a short play or screenplay, the first 20 pages of a full-length play or feature-length screenplay, a narrative short story, a feature article, or poem that exemplifies your ability to engage readers, up to 15 pages.


          Video Pitch:Create a video that introduces yourself and demonstrates your ability to author a simple compelling story. The video pitch should be no longer than 3 minutes total running time, and you must personally appear on camera pitching a story with the following three parameters:


          No more than 30 seconds: Introduce yourself by telling us your name, where you are from, and a bit about your background.


          No more than 120 seconds: Pitch us a story that centers around two characters stuck in a single locale who develop and ultimately overcome conflict between themselves.


          No more than 30 seconds: Finish your pitch by telling us in one or two sentences what the audience should ultimately learn from the story.


          If any of the parameters are not met or if your Video Pitch exceeds a total running time of 3 minutes, your submission will not be considered.


          Your Video Pitch must be submitted in the form of a URL within a PDF or Word file for the Admissions Committee to view. If you do not want the public to be able to view your Video Pitch or your Creative Submission, you will need to password protect the video and provide the password with the URL.


          Writing Sample: A two-page non-dialogue scene about a person trying to kill a spider in his/her home. The scene should be considered the opening for a screenplay or theatrical work. Writing samples should be typed in 12-point Courier in standard play or screenplay format. Creative Submission: A creative sample of work demonstrating your ability and commitment to storytelling. Strong samples contain visual or written material that demonstrate your creativity, imaginative expression of thought, and the potential for visual storytelling. You are welcome to include a brief description that provides perspective on your submitted materials. The sample must be uploaded online by way of a link within an uploaded document to the application. No physical materials (faxed or mailed) will be considered. Choose no more than three (3) of the following: Film, video, animation, documentary or experimental work. Submissions must not exceed 15 minutes in length and can consist of reels, short films and/or clips from feature films. You must be part of the original creation of the work. Please be clear about your specific contributions for each project. Drawings, paintings, sculpture, costume or set design that illustrates your creative vision and style. Limited to 10 images total. Photography that explores your visual storytelling through up to 10 images. A writing sample composed of one of the following: a short play or screenplay, the first 20 pages of a full-length play or feature-length screenplay, a narrative short story, a feature article, or poem that exemplifies your ability to engage readers, up to 15 pages. Video Pitch:Create a video that introduces yourself and demonstrates your ability to author a simple compelling story. The video pitch should be no longer than 3 minutes total running time, and you must personally appear on camera pitching a story with the following three parameters: No more than 30 seconds: Introduce yourself by telling us your name, where you are from, and a bit about your background. No more than 120 seconds: Pitch us a story that centers around two characters stuck in a single locale who develop and ultimately overcome conflict between themselves. No more than 30 seconds: Finish your pitch by telling us in one or two sentences what the audience should ultimately learn from the story. If any of the parameters are not met or if your Video Pitch exceeds a total running time of 3 minutes, your submission will not be considered. Your Video Pitch must be submitted in the form of a URL within a PDF or Word file for the Admissions Committee to view. If you do not want the public to be able to view your Video Pitch or your Creative Submission, you will need to password protect the video and provide the password with the URL.



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